Monday, October 19, 2009

Caught up on our sleep!

I am going to continue to reminisce about our trip from last Fall. Stay tuned if you are interested.  We took a Mediterranean Cruise with a group organized by LDS Travel.  It began with a little time spent in Rome, then embarking from the port of Civitavecchia (I really should not have tried to spell that by memory ;-)  Fortunately the first day was an "At Sea" day and we were able to rest, so I promise I won't be grouchy anymore...

"What a restful, relaxing day!  It has been so nice.  We actually "slept in" until 8:30--so nice.  Because of our inside cabin that has no windows, it stays nice and dark and very peaceful.  We got up, quickly put on church clothes, grabbed a quick breakfast then made it to the gathering of LDS travelers for a fireside with Elder Marvin Brinkerhoff.  He spoke on the Apostle Paul, which was great.  As much of our travels will be following the footsteps of Paul this was a great way to start things off.  I have felt such a connection to Paul since my opportunity to teach Seminary "prompted" me to study his writings much more thoroughly.

"We spent the day doing quiet activities, including a nice lunch in the dining room, exploring the ship, and attending a lecture on the Cradle of Civilization.  Our group is being led by an emeritus professor from BYU, Revell Phillips, who will make it easier to understand the significance of the things we will be seeing by acting as tour guide and giving lectures throughout the trip.

"Tonight was a Formal Night, so we dressed up and had a delicious dinner.  We also had our portrait taken.  I hope over the course of the trip that we get at least one good one...  After dinner, we found a great spot to sit and watch the people go by.  There was live music from the deck below and lots of people wearing lovely clothes.  We enjoyed it."


Nancy said...

Was it Webb Tours that you went through? We went on a UK tour with them. We had a small Sacrament meeting in a little meeting room they had in the hotel. On the tour, we were informed about the beginning of the church and who was there teaching the Gospel and insight into what was happening where. It was a great trip. Your tour sounds exciting in bringing the scriptures alive.

Laura said...

Wow, can't wait to hear more! And see your formal picture... :-)