Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Privilege of Family

I love the following quote:  "Our Heavenly Father has organized us into families for the purpose of helping us successfully meet the trials and challenges of life. The home also exists to bless us with the joys and privileges of family associations. Our family is our safety place, our support network, our sanctuary, and our salvation."(Elder Rex D. Pinegar, “‘Home First’,” Ensign, May 1990, 9)

It was just the reminder I needed this morning.  My greatest blessing has been to be surrounded by family that loves me, that supports me, that tolerates me.   Over the years, my family has entertained me, has educated me, has edified me.  My family has also helped me learn to face my fears.  Knowing that they are beside me, I know that we can do anything.  We can face any challenge that arises.  Our roots reach out to one another, entwine with each other to strengthen and support us no matter how hard the winds of life try to topple us.

I stumbled upon one of my favorite photos this morning, too.  At face value, it is a really cute photo.  When one learns the story behind it, the real significance comes through.
Brian and Miranda are sitting in the submarine at Disneyland.  And guess who is taking the picture?  I am!  There is a story in my family that has escalated to folklore status.  When I was a child, I was terrified of the submarine ride at Disneyland.  I had stood with my family in a ridiculously long queue line to take this undersea adventure.  I didn't know what was going on, so I just waited along with everyone else.  Until.....

Finally the line got close enough for me to see the true nature of the experience.  We were going to be boarding these submarines and actually be submerged in actual water.  No way!  Not going to happen!  Like a shot, I swung underneath all the bars that stood in my way.  Consequently I got lost in Disneyland, wandering around alone, looking for my Aunt RaNae, and ended up waiting inside a ticket booth until my family found me.

I am proud to say that since that traumatic event I have overcome my fear of the submarine ride.  Oh, that life were as easy to overcome. 

One of my favorite scriptures, which spoke to me when I was a teenager, and continues to speak to my heart is found in 2 Timothy, Chapter 1, verse 7, written by my friend, Paul.  "For God hath not given us the spirit of fear, but of power, and of love, and of a sound mind."  I hope that as my children read this, they will be able to hear their mother's voice repeating this scripture to them.  I have drawn strength from it many times, and many times I have shared it with them, hoping to help them feel the power in those words.

We have not been sent to this life to spend it alone; to wander aimlessly amidst the scary things all around us.  We have been sent to families.  We have found friends along the way.  We are never really alone.  And because of that, we can surmount any trial that comes, even the submarine ride.


Kim said...

Thanks for sharing this Ardith! I needed to hear that today.

Laura said...

Love that scripture! I needed to hear that today too. :-) Thanks!