Monday, April 26, 2010

Paid in Meatballs

Well, not really.  But "Paid in Cookies" is more accurate.

I must admit one of my guilty pleasure movies is "The Wedding Singer".  I love Adam Sandler's character.  He is so real; so humble; so lovable in his pathetic situation.  One of my favorite parts is when he teaches music lessons in return for homemade meatballs.  And he reminds us, in one of the funniest parts of the movie, that although he gets paid in meatballs, he "likes money and hopes to have a lot of it someday."  It makes us doubt him though, because he certainly doesn't seem to be too caught up in worldly things, nor does he ever place wealth above human relations.

Why write about this?  Well, I am married to someone that reminds me of this type of person.  Brian was telling me this morning that he got paid in cookies today.  There is a sweet little lady that often comes to his factory for spare fabric, which she then sews into hats for chemotherapy patients.  Because Brian refuses to accept payment for this act of kindness, she delights in bringing in big trays of cookies.

My husband is the most generous, kind soul I have ever met.  While I am thankful that he doesn't receive all his remuneration in the form of baked goods, I am delighted whenever I hear about his quiet acts of generosity, most of which I'm certain I never hear about.  And that is as it should be.  I love you, dear.


Kim said...

What a great way to pay it forward ~ very inspirational on all accounts! And I absolutely love The Wedding Singer too! "Don't talk to Billy Idol that way!"

Maili said...

I've never seen the "Wedding Singer." Guess I'll have to add it to my list of must sees. How blessed you are to have such a man. Mine has people pay him for computer work with pies or meat (ranchers) and trades for other things--sprinkler system, floor installation. It's good to have an option that helps us both. :)

Nancy said...

I love this, he's making her day by taking these cookies, made with love for his kind acts of service. It's a win-win with her kind acts making the chemo hats so others will be a little more comfortable in their time of need. It's a wonderful thing!!