Monday, November 9, 2009

My life is spent...

sitting behind the piano.  And I guess that is great most of the time.  I love playing the piano.  I enjoy being able to help add music to church services and participate in musical numbers as an accompanist.

My only regret is that I miss the opportunity to sit and enjoy the vocalists to the fullest extent.  I can't see their faces and I don't usually hear the music to its full advantage.

Yesterday in Sacrament Meeting at the Singles Ward, my two lovely daughters sang a duet together.  I enjoyed rehearsing it with them.  I enjoyed helping them prepare for it. I enjoyed the convenience of having an "in-house" accompanist saving me the trouble of having to arrange for someone else.  I enjoyed the push it gave me to learn a rather difficult piece of music.

If only I could have watched their faces...


Kim said...

I understand this completely....enough said :-)

Sara said...

I only have two words for you: Video Camera.

5Youngers said...

One of my main regrets is that I quit playing piano when I was little. Now as an adult I have not ONE musical ability. You are an inspiration and I love listening to you play.

Nancy said...

The girls sounded like angels singing on Sunday, what a wonderful gift they have!

Laura said...

I heard they were amazing!