Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Something's Coming

I have spent my lifetime gathering a bouquet of sorts.  The flowers in this luxe, overflowing, random arrangement don't fade, don't wilt, don't die.  Each one is special and unique and pops into my mind, each in its turn.  It is a bouquet of song lyrics.  This morning, the rhythmic "Something's Coming" from West Side Story began to take center stage of my consciousness. 

Something's coming,
I don't know
what it is,

But it is
Gonna be great!

I have always been one who thrives on the promise of something coming around the corner.  Positive expectation has kind of been the motto for our marriage, and we have always tried to have tickets, or reservations, or something to look forward to, to look past the mundane of everyday.

While our calendar is filling up with events this summer, I can't help feeling that there is something unknown, something unplanned, lurking in the wings.

What a great gift, the gift of anticipation.

It's only just out of reach,
Down the block,
On a beach,
Maybe tonight . . .

Maybe tonight!


Outside the Pumpkin Shell said...

I love this. This is one of my favorite songs from any musical. I love the way my heat gets a flutter in anticpation for, I don't know what.

I'm excited to follow along as you discovered what's currently nestled along the horizon...

Nancy Christie - Your Change Coach said...

Your post made me think of the Carly Simon song "Anticipation." And it made me realize that, too often, we wake up in the morning worrying about what might go wrong instead of looking forward to whatever good the day might bring. Maybe we are afraid of being disappointed or unprepared for setbacks so we "anticipate" them. But I have come to realize that, if we open our eyes each day looking for something positive, we will find it, which can serve as a counterbalance to anything that might be less than pleasant.