They may not fit the world's standard of beauty; I believe they exceed it. They may not fit the world's standard of virtue; I believe they exceed that too. And they are gifted with genuine gifts of the Spirit. They possess integrity and humility and a willingness to sacrifice a little token popularity in order to be true to what they believe and who they are.
Sometimes there is pressure to misrepresent who you really are. Don't succumb to that. There is an undeniable light in your eyes that deserves to be set on a candlestick, and not snuffed out under a basket. The world would have you diminish your light to match the dullness of the crowd. Don't do it.
I love the words of an old song from the Mamas and Papas. If my children have learned nothing else, I want them to spend their lives making their own kind of music, singing their own special songs.
The world can be made better by our being in it. Don't be afraid to be the change you would like to see.
Even if nobody else sings along.
How true it is that we hide ourselves or change ourselves to please others...this has been on my mind lately.
Ardith - this is such a special post especially because I drown my self in doubt whether I am doing the right thing by teaching my daughter just that - to be herself because she is really beautiful. I cannot help but fear the world will not be understanding and beautiful back to her. Thank you for your wonderful post.
You're an awesome mama.
Love it. Another great post and it's so true. I concur with Laura's comment.
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