Sunday, September 2, 2012

A Fair is a Veritable Smorgasbord

The more things change, thankfully some things manage to stay the same.  Our lives seem to be rolling forward with graduations and weddings and babies and jobs and mortgages.  Our children are grown and thriving and it is difficult sometimes to catch glimpses of the way things used to be, when they were young and needed us so much. The State Fair seems to be the place that brings to our remembrance the simpler, gentler times when four delightful little people clamored daily for our attention. 
We love going to the Fair.  Perhaps the best part is the remembering.


Laura said...

What a fun family tradition! Love your photos.
I went to the State Fair for the FIRST TIME this year. Fun!

LeAnn said...

Thanks for sharing your moments at the fair. It brought back a few memories. We haven't been to a fair for so long. I loved the pictures.